225 to 450 MHz (other on request)
12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 100 kHz, 500 kHz or 1.2 MHz
16 highly customized presets
constant envelope phase modulation (FSK, GMSK)
dual-net, unlimited listeners, High priority interrupt
simultaneous data and voice up to 1 Mbps through the air
embedded GPS with automatic Position Location Information (PLI) and anti-jamming/spoofing detection
language customizable with presets, channels, and battery status
tactical handheld device graphical control, Situation Awareness (SA), messaging over 2.4 GHz SDR
rechargeable Lithium-Ion, > 14-hour lifetime
software defined radio (SDR)
certified 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) hardware engine, keyfill over RS485 interface