
MV – 10 Heavy Duty EOD Robotic System – Bison

The MV-10 is the only robotic system in the world with double tool: front-positioned flail tool followed by a rear tiller. It is the only demining system in its class that has been verified in the real combat situation. Furthermore, due to its high engine power and supreme explosion resistance, the MV-10 presents the strongest system in its category.

The MV-10 is the only robotic system in the world with double tool: front-positioned flail tool followed by a rear tiller. It is the only demining system in its class that has been verified in the real combat situation. Furthermore, due to its high engine power and supreme explosion resistance, the MV-10 presents the strongest system in its category.

  • Mechanical Ground Preparation & Demining
  • Mechanical Technical Survey & Clearance
  • UXO Clearance for shooting ranges
  • Mobility / Counter MobilityRoute Clearance